The following CFMHN Board Director and Officer positions are open:
Term: 2 years, commencing October 16, 2023.
The President-Elect is then appointed as President each year at the AGM for a two - one year terms.
The Treasurer and Secretary have the opportunity to run for an additional 2 years.
Nominations Deadline: September 21, 2023.
The Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses Board of Directors has the following elected Director positions open:
Northwest Territories
Term: 2 years, commencing October 16, 2023, with opportunity to run for an additional 2 years.
Nominations Deadline: September 21, 2023.
Directors shall:
i) be an individual who is not less than eighteen years of age;
ii) be a Member of the Federation for a minimum of two (2) years as a member in good
iii) except Directors appointed pursuant to CFMHN bylaws section 5.06, shall be a Member of the Federation;
iv) not be an employee or representative of a company whose primary business involves the development, manufacture and sole distribution of products or services deemed in conflict with the work of the Federation ;
v) not be a contractor of the Federation; or
vi) not be a person who has been found by a court in Canada or elsewhere to be mentally incompetent, who has the status of a bankrupt, or who is an “ineligible individual” as defined in the Income Tax Act.
Nominations Submissions:
Nominations for these Board positions will be accepted by the President of the CFMHN, Sarah Flogen at . The Nominations Application paperwork is available on the CFMHN website at (in the news section of the home page) or by e-mailing
For further information regarding these open positions please e-mail :